+44(0)7939 236 504 | +351 918 893 648

Who am I

Yvette Masure has provided alternative medicine therapies in London (UK) for 15 years. She now spends the greater part of her time developing herself and her skills in the Algarve, Portugal where she lives the lifestyle she recommends: growing her own fresh organic produce and taking time to breath into life itself with Qigong practice and enjoying an active outdoor life.

A qualified acupuncturist from the International college of Oriental Medicine, Yvette applies ancient and proven principles of Chinese Medicine based in the Laws of Nature to aid your recovery from modern illnesses.


Yvette also studied eastern dietary therapies under the guidelines of Michio Kushi, and attended Shiatsu massage workshops with Rex Lasalle and Yamamoto in the 1980's.


30 years of experience and study, practicing a variety of alternative medical techniques and therapies, have enabled her to build a comprehensive and holistic view of treatment, which has become fundamental to her approach: this is to treat the person not the illness.

Facial Revitalisation


Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into particular areas of the face, ears, neck, hands, trunk, and legs along channels or meridians of energy called QI (pronounced chi). Specific points are chosen to manipulate the movement of QI in the body according to the individual's needs.


Many meridians either begin or end on the face while some have internal branches that go to the face. Therefore, treatments specifically affect the face while simultaneously treating the underlying factors that contribute to the ageing process.


For thousands of years, the Chinese have known that beauty comes from the inside. At least as early as the Sung Dynasty (960AD-1270AD) Acupuncture rejuvenation practices were employed for the Empress and the Emperor's concubines. The Chinese discovered and utilised ways to change the energy flow within the body to initiate the healing process for rejuvenation.


Though Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture can sometimes be referred to as an Acupuncture Facelift, it is more than a cosmetic procedure. It is a rejuvenation and revitalisation process designed to help the whole body not only look but feel younger.


Cosmetic acupuncture utilises acupoints on the body to strengthen the vitality and balance the hormones, with local points to beautify the face. A fresh skin and muscle tone, pores tightened, collagen regeneration, a subtle uplift on jaws and eyelids where puffiness, for those with a lazy lymph system, is dispersed. With a new sparkle to the eyes too, is very convincing.


These treatments should start prior to the final cessation of menses, as such rejuvenation requires reserves of energy. After menopause these reserves are lower and take longer to achieve results.


The face is a map of past experiences and future potential, a map of character and personality; the face shows what is going on inside the body and the mind, all of which change the "landmarks".
The ancient Chinese have a well documented and venerated history of facial diagnosis dating back thousands of years. It originally was used to diagnose illness as part of Traditional Chinese medicine.


Primarily used as a fortune-telling tool in as much as it shows who someone is, but also shows what has happened to them. Facial diagnostics then became a major tool within eastern medicine as predicting what type of illness a person is headed for which can be seen quite clearly: as indications appear on the face long before tests show what organs are compromised or diseased.


Face reading has a long history in the Western world too. The Greeks were known to study physiognomy with writings from both Plato and Aristotle.
Acupuncture was originally part a development that also enabled Doctors to treat without touching their patients...the means to maintain the etiquette such as in royal households, and avoiding touching, to maintain traditional conservatism, or the revealing of flesh.


However acupuncture was established not only as a support to illness and disease as a holistic means of rebalancing the energy body, but also as a preventative form of medicine.You would regularly visit your acupuncturist to prevent illness,
In the same view and intention, Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture was part of a holistic method of acupuncture not only as a beauty treatment, but for overall wellbeing to enhance the natural changes that good health and ageing bring, and to prevent the development of potential illness, and the face ageing process.


Consequently, the great Emperor and his Empress of China, and no doubt the Eastern countries besides, were able to dream of eternal beauty and life, whilst experiencing regular Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture.


The Art Of Gua Sha

For facial and body revitalisation.


Gua Sha is a healing technique used in Asia by practitioners of traditional medicine, and a long hidden treasure.
It can be used in the home or in clinical settings, but as yet is little known in the West.
It involves cutaneous stimulation and palpation where the skin is pressured, in strokes, by a round edged instrument.


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Raising Sha is the result; small red petechiae called "sha" that can be brought to the surface, for treatment of certain diagnostics generally on the body surface; so as to remove blood stagnation considered pathogenic, promoting normal circulation and metabolic processes. The patient can experience immediate relief from pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, nausea, wheeze and so on. Gua Sha is valuable in the prevention and treatment of acute infectious illness, upper respiratory and digestive disorders, and many other acute or chronic disorders.


Used within the practice of Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture, as shown in the photograph of Yvette at work, Gua Sha adds another dimension to wellbeing through a gentler stimulation on the face, which works efficiently on circulation, diminishing facial skin wrinkle and lines, and enhancing a clearer more fresh complexion. Facial Gua Sha stimulates the natural production of collagen, and tones the muscles to tighten the skin. This also brings the beauty of a natural and healthy rose skin tone.


To maintain physical and emotional health and well being, the lymphatic system is more than three times larger than the body's circulatory system, and the foundation of the body's immune system. Using Gua Sha to promote Qi (energy) and of unblocking the lymphatic system, creating free flow of the lymph fluid drainage, through the treatment with Gua Sha, helping the removal of toxins that build up over time: lumps, bumps, aches and pains, and low energy, resulting from energy blocks and stagnation, can be virtually massaged away.


The instruments with which we apply Gua Sha are round and smooth edged and are found made of jade, and precious stone, wood, porcelain, metal and/or plastic. They are used with or without oils. Generally it is said to be a pleasant experience.



Cosmic Healing Seminar & Training, Mantak Chia L.C.T.A 2007
Facial Revitalisation course Radha Thambirajah, 2 days Advanced Technique and Training


Audience with Lama Lopsang
Healing Sounds Workshop, Frank Perry, 1 day
Healing Sounds Workshop, Don Quantreaux, 1 day
Face Reading and Diagnosis Advanced Course, Lilian Bridges C.I.C.M


Face Reading Lilian Bridges 2 Day Course , Int College of Integrated Medicine C.I.C.M


Facial Revitalisation Training Course with Jamie Hedger L.C.T.A
Simon Lao Qi Gong Basic Training Course 1 Year


Celestial Clouds and Terrestrial Meters post graduate – Chris Bunkell and Peter Van Kerval; part –time course over a two year duration.


Day clinic Practice at The International College of Oriental Medicine
Daoist breathing - Bruce Kumar Francis, San Francisco


Certificate course in Japanese acupuncture - with Kiiko Matsumotto on Hormonal treatment in Gynaecology


I-Ching application clinically - Reading College. Peter Firebrace
World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies – Barcelona 1999
Stems and Branches in relation to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Pathology – Peter van Kerval.I.C.O.M.
Case Studies – Joan Duveen. I.C.O.M.


International College of Oriental Medicine

I-Ching application clinically - Reading College. Peter Firebrace
Stems and Branches in relation to Moon cycles - Peter Van Kerval.I.C.O.M.
Eight Trigram, Ten Stems and twelve organs - Peter Van Kerval.I.C.O.M
I-Ching in relation to Stems and Branches- Peter Van Kerval
Postgraduate Pulse taking course - Holland, Joan Duveen
Intensive Clinical training – Holland, Peter van Kerval


International College of Oriental Medicine

Under the guidance of the late Dr. Van Buren at I.C.O.M East Grinstead, Surrey ,Yvette spent four full time years to study the three basic foundation theories and practices of the schools of acupuncture. These were T.C.M: Traditional Chinese Medicine: 5 Element Acupuncture, and Stems and Branches Acupuncture, for which Dr. Van Buren, founder of the college, was her mentor. This gave a broad platform of diagnostic approach and treatment application to choose from once she graduated in 1998.


Dietary consultancy and macrobiotic cooking - Avaline Kushi
Japanese Shiatsu - Rex Lasalle
'Barefoot Shiatsu' – Shizuko Yamamoto


Oriental Diagnosis, part-time foundation course – duration of 1 year - Michio Kushi


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  • Magazines
  • Newspapers

2018 Editorial in Algarve Resident Newspaper

2018 Editorial in Algarve Resident Newspaper

Daily Express - 21st Jan 2002

Daily Express - 21st Jan 2002

Red Magazine - October Issue 2005

Red Magazine - October Issue 2005

Telegraph Magazine- Jan 2007

Telegraph Magazine- Jan 2007

The Times - 21st Dec 2004

The Times - 21st Dec 2004

The Telegraph - 22nd Jan 2005

The Telegraph - 22nd Jan 2005

Harpers Bazaar - April Issue 2006

Harpers Bazaar - April Issue 2006

Vogue - April Issue 2008

Vogue - April Issue 2008

You Magazine - 22nd Jan 2005

You Magazine - 22nd Jan 2005

Weekend Telegraph - 6th March 2004

Weekend Telegraph - 6th March 2004


Get In Touch

By appointment or referral only. Home visits are an option.

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  • Locations

    In U.K : London, Holland Park, Knightsbridge and Chelsea areas.

    In Portugal : Portimão , Alvor, Lagoa, Silves and Villamoura areas.

  • Phone

    In U.K : +44(0)7939 236 504

    In Portugal : +351 918 893 648

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